Friday, July 26, 2013

Explosion Update

I'm back. Went out of town for a bit so I couldn't do much til I returned. Here is the almost finished explosion. I took the renders from Maya to After Effects to lay them out in a sprite sheet layout. Then I brought them into UDK to create the explosion. The last major thing left is to make the explosion produce light.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Been A Long Time and Updates

Hey! It's been a while. I have been working on a project called Heavy Gear Assault with a team which is why I haven't posted anything lately. But I'm here now to give an update. If you want to know more about Heavy Gear Assault, google it and look at the website. I can't really give out too much information on it but you can find plenty on the Heavy Gear website.

In other news, I've been doing work with Maya fluids a lot lately. Here is a little sample of what I've been working on.

That is just a playblast. To see what it actually renders out as, here are some still frames.

That's all for now. I'll post more progress later.